Is there really a price difference between a Coach leather outlet like Prime Outlets as compared to a regular Coach store? It really depends actually. On most occasions you get Coach designer handbags at less than normal prices on Coach outlet stores or the official website.
The only problem is you have to come back often to check the prices. So what if you live 2 hours away from the closest Coach boutiques. Surely, that would be too troublesome for you.
Prime Outlets gets new items very frequently. They include items that are discontinued, surplus items and bags made for sale. Are the Coach designer handbags you find here original? Yes it is and the price difference could be anywhere between 30% to 55% lower than on a regular Coach store or on the official Coach website. Talk about incredible savings.
If you live close by, it probably is worth the trip down for some bargain hunting. You could end up more than 3 hours in there. Be warned. If you've always purchased your Coach purses and handbags at the original Coach boutiques or even at the official Coach website, you will find that hunting for one at a Coach leather outlet can save you some money. If you are lucky, the bag you are eyeing could be had for only half the prices from the normal boutiques.
Sometimes though, there are no real discounts. The same prices are on offer when compared to Coach retail stores and if the outlet is further, you could have wasted on time and gas. Nevertheless, you will never know till you go out hunting.
The important thing to remember when you visit a Coach outlet store is to find out the price of the handbags you want sold at the Coach stores. Take note that on special seasonal sales, the Coach boutiques may have even better special deals. Also, you may find items sold at Coach outlet stores to have limited sizes and colors and often carrying unpopular models as well.
It really is a chicken and egg thing when it comes to Coach leather outlets. The best way to find out is to take that occasional drive down to have a look and who knows you may end up with a bargain. If time and distance is a factor for you, why don't you look for Coach designer handbags online? Not only will it save you a lot of time and money on gas, you stay away from the hustle and bustle of a store and can choose freely and still get the same discounts. Do visit the website at the end of this article for more information.
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